Synchronous Client Ext ExampleΒΆ

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Pymodbus Synchronous Client Extended Examples

The following is an example of how to use the synchronous modbus client
implementation from pymodbus to perform the extended portions of the
modbus protocol.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# import the various server implementations
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusTcpClient as ModbusClient
# from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusUdpClient as ModbusClient
from pymodbus.client.sync import ModbusSerialClient as ModbusClient

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# import the extended messages to perform
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
from pymodbus.diag_message import *
from pymodbus.file_message import *
from pymodbus.other_message import *
from pymodbus.mei_message import *

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# configure the client logging
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
import logging
FORMAT = ('%(asctime)-15s %(threadName)-15s '
          '%(levelname)-8s %(module)-15s:%(lineno)-8s %(message)s')
log = logging.getLogger()

UNIT = 0x01

def execute_extended_requests():
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # choose the client you want
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # make sure to start an implementation to hit against. For this
    # you can use an existing device, the reference implementation in the tools
    # directory, or start a pymodbus server.
    # It should be noted that you can supply an ipv4 or an ipv6 host address
    # for both the UDP and TCP clients.
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------# 
    client = ModbusClient(method='rtu', port="/dev/ptyp0")
    # client = ModbusClient(method='ascii', port="/dev/ptyp0")
    # client = ModbusClient(method='binary', port="/dev/ptyp0")
    # client = ModbusClient('', port=5020)
    # from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusRtuFramer
    # client = ModbusClient('', port=5020, framer=ModbusRtuFramer)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # extra requests
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # If you are performing a request that is not available in the client
    # mixin, you have to perform the request like this instead::
    # from pymodbus.diag_message import ClearCountersRequest
    # from pymodbus.diag_message import ClearCountersResponse
    # request  = ClearCountersRequest()
    # response = client.execute(request)
    # if isinstance(response, ClearCountersResponse):
    #     ... do something with the response
    # What follows is a listing of all the supported methods. Feel free to
    # comment, uncomment, or modify each result set to match with your ref.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # information requests
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    log.debug("Running ReadDeviceInformationRequest")
    rq = ReadDeviceInformationRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)              # not supported by reference
    # assert (not rr.isError())  # test that we are not an error
    # assert (rr.information[0] == b'Pymodbus')  # test the vendor name
    # assert (rr.information[1] == b'PM')  # test the product code
    # assert (rr.information[2] == b'1.0')  # test the code revision

    log.debug("Running ReportSlaveIdRequest")
    rq = ReportSlaveIdRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                        # not supported by reference
    # assert(not rr.isError())           # test that we are not an error
    # assert(rr.identifier  == 0x00)            # test the slave identifier
    # assert(rr.status  == 0x00)                # test that the status is ok

    log.debug("Running ReadExceptionStatusRequest")
    rq = ReadExceptionStatusRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                        # not supported by reference
    # assert(not rr.isError())           # test that we are not an error
    # assert(rr.status == 0x55)                 # test the status code

    log.debug("Running GetCommEventCounterRequest")
    rq = GetCommEventCounterRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                       # not supported by reference
    # assert(not rr.isError())          # test that we are not an error
    # assert(rr.status == True)                # test the status code
    # assert(rr.count == 0x00)                 # test the status code

    log.debug("Running GetCommEventLogRequest")
    rq = GetCommEventLogRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                       # not supported by reference
    # assert(not rr.isError())          # test that we are not an error
    # assert(rr.status == True)                # test the status code
    # assert(rr.event_count == 0x00)           # test the number of events
    # assert(rr.message_count == 0x00)         # test the number of messages
    # assert(len( == 0x00)           # test the number of events

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # diagnostic requests
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    log.debug("Running ReturnQueryDataRequest")
    rq = ReturnQueryDataRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                      # not supported by reference
    # assert(rr.message[0] == 0x0000)         # test the resulting message

    log.debug("Running RestartCommunicationsOptionRequest")
    rq = RestartCommunicationsOptionRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                     # not supported by reference
    # assert(rr.message == 0x0000)           # test the resulting message

    log.debug("Running ReturnDiagnosticRegisterRequest")
    rq = ReturnDiagnosticRegisterRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                     # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ChangeAsciiInputDelimiterRequest")
    rq = ChangeAsciiInputDelimiterRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                    # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ForceListenOnlyModeRequest")
    rq = ForceListenOnlyModeRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)  # does not send a response

    log.debug("Running ClearCountersRequest")
    rq = ClearCountersRequest()
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                   # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnBusCommunicationErrorCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnBusCommunicationErrorCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                    # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnBusExceptionErrorCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnBusExceptionErrorCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                   # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnSlaveMessageCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnSlaveMessageCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                  # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnSlaveNoResponseCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnSlaveNoResponseCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)                  # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnSlaveNAKCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnSlaveNAKCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)               # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnSlaveBusyCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnSlaveBusyCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)               # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnSlaveBusCharacterOverrunCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnSlaveBusCharacterOverrunCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)               # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ReturnIopOverrunCountRequest")
    rq = ReturnIopOverrunCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)               # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running ClearOverrunCountRequest")
    rq = ClearOverrunCountRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)               # not supported by reference

    log.debug("Running GetClearModbusPlusRequest")
    rq = GetClearModbusPlusRequest(unit=UNIT)
    rr = client.execute(rq)
    # assert(rr == None)               # not supported by reference

    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#
    # close the client
    # ------------------------------------------------------------------------#

if __name__ == "__main__":