Libmodbus Client ExampleΒΆ

#!/usr/bin/env python3
Libmodbus Protocol Wrapper

What follows is an example wrapper of the libmodbus library
( for use with pymodbus.
There are two utilities involved here:

* LibmodbusLevel1Client

  This is simply a python wrapper around the c library. It is
  mostly a clone of the pylibmodbus implementation, but I plan
  on extending it to implement all the available protocol using
  the raw execute methods.

* LibmodbusClient

  This is just another modbus client that can be used just like
  any other client in pymodbus.

For these to work, you must have `cffi` and `libmodbus-dev` installed:

    sudo apt-get install libmodbus-dev
    pip install cffi
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# import system libraries
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

from cffi import FFI

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# import pymodbus libraries
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

from pymodbus.constants import Defaults
from pymodbus.exceptions import ModbusException
from pymodbus.client.common import ModbusClientMixin
from pymodbus.bit_read_message import ReadCoilsResponse, ReadDiscreteInputsResponse
from pymodbus.register_read_message import ReadHoldingRegistersResponse, ReadInputRegistersResponse
from pymodbus.register_read_message import ReadWriteMultipleRegistersResponse
from pymodbus.bit_write_message import WriteSingleCoilResponse, WriteMultipleCoilsResponse
from pymodbus.register_write_message import WriteSingleRegisterResponse, WriteMultipleRegistersResponse

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# create the C interface
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# * TODO add the protocol needed for the servers
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

compiler = FFI()
    typedef struct _modbus modbus_t;

    int modbus_connect(modbus_t *ctx);
    int modbus_flush(modbus_t *ctx);
    void modbus_close(modbus_t *ctx);

    const char *modbus_strerror(int errnum);
    int modbus_set_slave(modbus_t *ctx, int slave);

    void modbus_get_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t *to_sec, uint32_t *to_usec);
    void modbus_set_response_timeout(modbus_t *ctx, uint32_t to_sec, uint32_t to_usec);

    int modbus_read_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest);
    int modbus_read_input_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint8_t *dest);
    int modbus_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16_t *dest);
    int modbus_read_input_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, uint16_t *dest);

    int modbus_write_bit(modbus_t *ctx, int coil_addr, int status);
    int modbus_write_bits(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, const uint8_t *data);
    int modbus_write_register(modbus_t *ctx, int reg_addr, int value);
    int modbus_write_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, int nb, const uint16_t *data);
    int modbus_write_and_read_registers(modbus_t *ctx, int write_addr, int write_nb, const uint16_t *src, int read_addr, int read_nb, uint16_t *dest);

    int modbus_mask_write_register(modbus_t *ctx, int addr, uint16_t and_mask, uint16_t or_mask);
    int modbus_send_raw_request(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *raw_req, int raw_req_length);

    float modbus_get_float(const uint16_t *src);
    void modbus_set_float(float f, uint16_t *dest);

    modbus_t* modbus_new_tcp(const char *ip_address, int port);
    modbus_t* modbus_new_rtu(const char *device, int baud, char parity, int data_bit, int stop_bit);
    void modbus_free(modbus_t *ctx);

    int modbus_receive(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *req);
    int modbus_receive_from(modbus_t *ctx, int sockfd, uint8_t *req);
    int modbus_receive_confirmation(modbus_t *ctx, uint8_t *rsp);
LIB = compiler.dlopen('modbus') # create our bindings

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# helper utilites
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

def get_float(data):
    return LIB.modbus_get_float(data)

def set_float(value, data):
    LIB.modbus_set_float(value, data)

def cast_to_int16(data):
    return int(compiler.cast('int16_t', data))

def cast_to_int32(data):
    return int(compiler.cast('int32_t', data))

class NotImplementedException(Exception):

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# level1 client
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

class LibmodbusLevel1Client(object):
    """ A raw wrapper around the libmodbus c library. Feel free
    to use it if you want increased performance and don't mind the
    entire protocol not being implemented.

    def create_tcp_client(klass, host='', port=Defaults.Port):
        """ Create a TCP modbus client for the supplied parameters.

            :param host: The host to connect to
            :param port: The port to connect to on that host
            :returns: A new level1 client
        client = LIB.modbus_new_tcp(host.encode(), port)
        return klass(client)

    def create_rtu_client(klass, **kwargs):
        """ Create a TCP modbus client for the supplied parameters.

            :param port: The serial port to attach to
            :param stopbits: The number of stop bits to use
            :param bytesize: The bytesize of the serial messages
            :param parity: Which kind of parity to use
            :param baudrate: The baud rate to use for the serial device
            :returns: A new level1 client
        port     = kwargs.get('port', '/dev/ttyS0')
        baudrate = kwargs.get('baud', Defaults.Baudrate)
        parity   = kwargs.get('parity', Defaults.Parity)
        bytesize = kwargs.get('bytesize', Defaults.Bytesize)
        stopbits = kwargs.get('stopbits', Defaults.Stopbits)
        client = LIB.modbus_new_rtu(port, baudrate, parity, bytesize, stopbits)
        return klass(client)

    def __init__(self, client):
        """ Initalize a new instance of the LibmodbusLevel1Client. This
        method should not be used, instead new instances should be created
        using the two supplied factory methods:

        * LibmodbusLevel1Client.create_rtu_client(...)
        * LibmodbusLevel1Client.create_tcp_client(...)

        :param client: The underlying client instance to operate with.
        self.client = client
        self.slave  = Defaults.UnitId

    def set_slave(self, slave):
        """ Set the current slave to operate against.

        :param slave: The new slave to operate against
        :returns: The resulting slave to operate against
        self.slave = self._execute(LIB.modbus_set_slave, slave)
        return self.slave

    def connect(self):
        """ Attempt to connect to the client target.

        :returns: True if successful, throws otherwise
        return (self.__execute(LIB.modbus_connect) == 0)

    def flush(self):
        """ Discards the existing bytes on the wire.

        :returns: The number of flushed bytes, or throws
        return self.__execute(LIB.modbus_flush)

    def close(self):
        """ Closes and frees the underlying connection
        and context structure.

        :returns: Always True
        return True

    def __execute(self, command, *args):
        """ Run the supplied command against the currently
        instantiated client with the supplied arguments. This
        will make sure to correctly handle resulting errors.

        :param command: The command to execute against the context
        :param *args: The arguments for the given command
        :returns: The result of the operation unless -1 which throws
        result = command(self.client, *args)
        if result == -1:
            message = LIB.modbus_strerror(compiler.errno)
            raise ModbusException(compiler.string(message))
        return result

    def read_bits(self, address, count=1):

        :param address: The starting address to read from
        :param count: The number of coils to read
        :returns: The resulting bits
        result ="uint8_t[]", count)
        self.__execute(LIB.modbus_read_bits, address, count, result)
        return result

    def read_input_bits(self, address, count=1):

        :param address: The starting address to read from
        :param count: The number of discretes to read
        :returns: The resulting bits
        result ="uint8_t[]", count)
        self.__execute(LIB.modbus_read_input_bits, address, count, result)
        return result

    def write_bit(self, address, value):

        :param address: The starting address to write to
        :param value: The value to write to the specified address
        :returns: The number of written bits
        return self.__execute(LIB.modbus_write_bit, address, value)

    def write_bits(self, address, values):

        :param address: The starting address to write to
        :param values: The values to write to the specified address
        :returns: The number of written bits
        count = len(values)
        return self.__execute(LIB.modbus_write_bits, address, count, values)

    def write_register(self, address, value):

        :param address: The starting address to write to
        :param value: The value to write to the specified address
        :returns: The number of written registers
        return self.__execute(LIB.modbus_write_register, address, value)

    def write_registers(self, address, values):

        :param address: The starting address to write to
        :param values: The values to write to the specified address
        :returns: The number of written registers
        count = len(values)
        return self.__execute(LIB.modbus_write_registers, address, count, values)

    def read_registers(self, address, count=1):

        :param address: The starting address to read from
        :param count: The number of registers to read
        :returns: The resulting read registers
        result ="uint16_t[]", count)
        self.__execute(LIB.modbus_read_registers, address, count, result)
        return result

    def read_input_registers(self, address, count=1):

        :param address: The starting address to read from
        :param count: The number of registers to read
        :returns: The resulting read registers
        result ="uint16_t[]", count)
        self.__execute(LIB.modbus_read_input_registers, address, count, result)
        return result

    def read_and_write_registers(self, read_address, read_count, write_address, write_registers):

        :param read_address: The address to start reading from
        :param read_count: The number of registers to read from address
        :param write_address: The address to start writing to
        :param write_registers: The registers to write to the specified address
        :returns: The resulting read registers
        write_count = len(write_registers)
        read_result ="uint16_t[]", read_count)
            write_address, write_count, write_registers,
            read_address, read_count, read_result)
        return read_result

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# level2 client
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

class LibmodbusClient(ModbusClientMixin):
    """ A facade around the raw level 1 libmodbus client
    that implements the pymodbus protocol on top of the lower level

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # these are used to convert from the pymodbus request types to the
    # libmodbus operations (overloaded operator).
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    __methods = {
        'ReadCoilsRequest': lambda c, r: c.read_bits(r.address, r.count),
        'ReadDiscreteInputsRequest': lambda c, r: c.read_input_bits(r.address, 
        'WriteSingleCoilRequest': lambda c, r: c.write_bit(r.address, 
        'WriteMultipleCoilsRequest': lambda c, r: c.write_bits(r.address, 
        'WriteSingleRegisterRequest': lambda c, r: c.write_register(r.address, 
            lambda c, r: c.write_registers(r.address, r.values),
            lambda c, r: c.read_registers(r.address, r.count),
            lambda c, r: c.read_input_registers(r.address, r.count),
            lambda c, r: c.read_and_write_registers(r.read_address, 

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # these are used to convert from the libmodbus result to the
    # pymodbus response type
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    __adapters = {
            lambda tx, rx: ReadCoilsResponse(list(rx)),
            lambda tx, rx: ReadDiscreteInputsResponse(list(rx)),
            lambda tx, rx: WriteSingleCoilResponse(tx.address, rx),
            lambda tx, rx: WriteMultipleCoilsResponse(tx.address, rx),
            lambda tx, rx: WriteSingleRegisterResponse(tx.address, rx),
            lambda tx, rx: WriteMultipleRegistersResponse(tx.address, rx),
            lambda tx, rx: ReadHoldingRegistersResponse(list(rx)),
            lambda tx, rx: ReadInputRegistersResponse(list(rx)),
            lambda tx, rx: ReadWriteMultipleRegistersResponse(list(rx)),

    def __init__(self, client):
        """ Initalize a new instance of the LibmodbusClient. This should
        be initialized with one of the LibmodbusLevel1Client instances:

        * LibmodbusLevel1Client.create_rtu_client(...)
        * LibmodbusLevel1Client.create_tcp_client(...)
        :param client: The underlying client instance to operate with.
        self.client = client

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # We use the client mixin to implement the api methods which are all
    # forwarded to this method. It is implemented using the previously
    # defined lookup tables. Any method not defined simply throws.
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    def execute(self, request):
        """ Execute the supplied request against the server.

        :param request: The request to process
        :returns: The result of the request execution
        if self.client.slave != request.unit_id:

        method = request.__class__.__name__
        operation = self.__methods.get(method, None)
        adapter = self.__adapters.get(method, None)

        if not operation or not adapter:
            raise NotImplementedException("Method not "
                                          "implemented: " + operation)

        response = operation(self.client, request)
        return adapter(request, response)

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # Other methods can simply be forwarded using the decorator pattern
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    def connect(self):
        return self.client.connect()

    def close(self):
        return self.client.close()

    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #
    # magic methods
    # ----------------------------------------------------------------------- #

    def __enter__(self):
        """ Implement the client with enter block

        :returns: The current instance of the client
        return self

    def __exit__(self, klass, value, traceback):
        """ Implement the client with exit block """

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# main example runner
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

if __name__ == '__main__':

    # create our low level client
    host = ''
    port = 502
    protocol = LibmodbusLevel1Client.create_tcp_client(host, port)

    # operate with our high level client
    with LibmodbusClient(protocol) as client:
        registers = client.write_registers(0, [13, 12, 11])
        registers = client.read_holding_registers(0, 10)