client.sync — Twisted Synchronous Modbus Client

API Documentation

class pymodbus.client.sync.BaseModbusClient(framer, **kwargs)

Inteface for a modbus synchronous client. Defined here are all the methods for performing the related request methods. Derived classes simply need to implement the transport methods and set the correct framer.


Implement the client with enter block

Returns:The current instance of the client
__exit__(klass, value, traceback)

Implement the client with exit block

__init__(framer, **kwargs)

Initialize a client instance

Parameters:framer – The modbus framer implementation to use

Builds a string representation of the connection

Returns:The string representation

Reads data from the underlying descriptor

Parameters:size – The number of bytes to read
Returns:The bytes read

Sends data on the underlying socket

Parameters:request – The encoded request to send
Returns:The number of bytes written

Closes the underlying socket connection


Connect to the modbus remote host

Returns:True if connection succeeded, False otherwise
Parameters:request – The request to process
Returns:The result of the request execution
class pymodbus.client.sync.ModbusTcpClient(host='', port=502, framer=<class 'pymodbus.transaction.ModbusSocketFramer'>, **kwargs)

Implementation of a modbus tcp client

__init__(host='', port=502, framer=<class 'pymodbus.transaction.ModbusSocketFramer'>, **kwargs)

Initialize a client instance

  • host – The host to connect to (default
  • port – The modbus port to connect to (default 502)
  • source_address – The source address tuple to bind to (default (‘’, 0))
  • timeout – The timeout to use for this socket (default Defaults.Timeout)
  • framer – The modbus framer to use (default ModbusSocketFramer)


The host argument will accept ipv4 and ipv6 hosts


Builds a string representation of the connection

Returns:The string representation

Reads data from the underlying descriptor

Parameters:size – The number of bytes to read
Returns:The bytes read

Sends data on the underlying socket

Parameters:request – The encoded request to send
Returns:The number of bytes written

Closes the underlying socket connection


Connect to the modbus tcp server

Returns:True if connection succeeded, False otherwise
class pymodbus.client.sync.ModbusUdpClient(host='', port=502, framer=<class 'pymodbus.transaction.ModbusSocketFramer'>, **kwargs)

Implementation of a modbus udp client

__init__(host='', port=502, framer=<class 'pymodbus.transaction.ModbusSocketFramer'>, **kwargs)

Initialize a client instance

  • host – The host to connect to (default
  • port – The modbus port to connect to (default 502)
  • framer – The modbus framer to use (default ModbusSocketFramer)
  • timeout – The timeout to use for this socket (default None)

Builds a string representation of the connection

Returns:The string representation
classmethod _get_address_family(address)

A helper method to get the correct address family for a given address.

Parameters:address – The address to get the af for
Returns:AF_INET for ipv4 and AF_INET6 for ipv6

Reads data from the underlying descriptor

Parameters:size – The number of bytes to read
Returns:The bytes read

Sends data on the underlying socket

Parameters:request – The encoded request to send
Returns:The number of bytes written

Closes the underlying socket connection


Connect to the modbus tcp server

Returns:True if connection succeeded, False otherwise
class pymodbus.client.sync.ModbusSerialClient(method='ascii', **kwargs)

Implementation of a modbus serial client

static _ModbusSerialClient__implementation(method)

Returns the requested framer

Method:The serial framer to instantiate
Returns:The requested serial framer
__init__(method='ascii', **kwargs)

Initialize a serial client instance

The methods to connect are:

- ascii
- rtu
- binary
  • method – The method to use for connection
  • port – The serial port to attach to
  • stopbits – The number of stop bits to use
  • bytesize – The bytesize of the serial messages
  • parity – Which kind of parity to use
  • baudrate – The baud rate to use for the serial device
  • timeout – The timeout between serial requests (default 3s)

Builds a string representation of the connection

Returns:The string representation

Reads data from the underlying descriptor

Parameters:size – The number of bytes to read
Returns:The bytes read

Sends data on the underlying socket

If receive buffer still holds some data then flush it.

Sleep if last send finished less than 3.5 character times ago.

Parameters:request – The encoded request to send
Returns:The number of bytes written

Closes the underlying socket connection


Connect to the modbus serial server

Returns:True if connection succeeded, False otherwise