Bottle Web Frontend Example


This is a simple example of adding a live REST api on top of a running pymodbus server. This uses the bottle microframework to achieve this.

The example can be hosted under twisted as well as the bottle internal server and can furthermore be run behind gunicorn, cherrypi, etc wsgi containers.

Main Program

Pymodbus Web Frontend

This is a simple web frontend using bottle as the web framework.
This can be hosted using any wsgi adapter.
from __future__ import print_function
import json, inspect
from bottle import route, request, Bottle
from bottle import static_file
from bottle import jinja2_template as template

# configure the client logging
import logging
log = logging.getLogger()

class Response(object):
    A collection of common responses for the frontend api
    success = { 'status' : 200 }
    failure = { 'status' : 500 }

class ModbusApiWebApp(object):
    This is the web REST api interace into the pymodbus
    service.  It can be consumed by any utility that can
    make web requests (javascript).
    _namespace = '/api/v1'

    def __init__(self, server):
        ''' Initialize a new instance of the ModbusApi

        :param server: The current server instance
        self._server = server

    # Device API
    def get_device(self):
        return {
            'mode'        : self._server.control.Mode,
            'delimiter'   : self._server.control.Delimiter,
            'readonly'    : self._server.control.ListenOnly,
            'identity'    : self._server.control.Identity.summary(),
            'counters'    : dict(self._server.control.Counter),
            'diagnostic'  : self._server.control.getDiagnosticRegister(),
    def get_device_identity(self):
        return {
            'identity' : dict(self._server.control.Identity)

    def get_device_counters(self):
        return {
            'counters' : dict(self._server.control.Counter)
    def get_device_events(self):
        return {
            'events' : self._server.control.Events

    def get_device_plus(self):
        return {
            'plus' : dict(self._server.control.Plus)
    def delete_device_events(self):
        return Response.success
    def get_device_host(self):
        return {
            'hosts' : list(self._server.access)
    def post_device_host(self):
        value = request.forms.get('host')
        if value:
        return Response.success
    def delete_device_host(self):
        value = request.forms.get('host')
        if value:
        return Response.success
    def post_device_delimiter(self):
        value = request.forms.get('delimiter')
        if value:
            self._server.control.Delimiter = value
        return Response.success
    def post_device_mode(self):
        value = request.forms.get('mode')
        if value:
            self._server.control.Mode = value
        return Response.success
    def post_device_reset(self):
        return Response.success

    # Datastore Get API
    def __get_data(self, store, address, count, slave='00'):
            address, count = int(address), int(count)
            context =[int(store)]
            values  = context.getValues(store, address, count)
            values  = dict(zip(range(address, address + count), values))
            result  = { 'data' : values }
            return result
        except Exception as ex:
        return Response.failure

    def get_coils(self, address='0', count='1'):
        return self.__get_data(1, address, count)

    def get_discretes(self, address='0', count='1'):
        return self.__get_data(2, address, count)

    def get_holdings(self, address='0', count='1'):
        return self.__get_data(3, address, count)

    def get_inputs(self, address='0', count='1'):
        return self.__get_data(4, address, count)

    # Datastore Update API
    def __set_data(self, store, address, values, slave='00'):
            address = int(address)
            values  = json.loads(values)
            context =[int(store)]
            context.setValues(store, address, values)
            return Response.success
        except Exception as ex:
        return Response.failure

    def post_coils(self, address='0'):
        values = request.forms.get('data')
        return self.__set_data(1, address, values)

    def post_discretes(self, address='0'):
        values = request.forms.get('data')
        return self.__set_data(2, address, values)

    def post_holding(self, address='0'):
        values = request.forms.get('data')
        return self.__set_data(3, address, values)

    def post_inputs(self, address='0'):
        values = request.forms.get('data')
        return self.__set_data(4, address, values)

# webpage routes
def register_web_routes(application, register):
    ''' A helper method to register the default web routes of
    a single page application.

    :param application: The application instance to register
    :param register: The bottle instance to register the application with
    def get_index_file():
        return template('index.html')
    def get_static_file(filename):
        return static_file(filename, root='./media')

    register.route('/', method='GET', name='get_index_file')(get_index_file)
    register.route('/media/<filename:path>', method='GET', name='get_static_file')(get_static_file)

# Configurations
def register_api_routes(application, register):
    ''' A helper method to register the routes of an application
    based on convention. This is easier to manage than having to
    decorate each method with a static route name.

    :param application: The application instance to register
    :param register: The bottle instance to register the application with
    '''"installing application routes:")
    methods = inspect.getmembers(application)
    methods = filter(lambda n: not n[0].startswith('_'), methods)
    for method, func in dict(methods).iteritems():
        pieces = method.split('_')
        verb, path = pieces[0], pieces[1:]
        args = inspect.getargspec(func).args[1:]
        args = ['<%s>' % arg for arg in args]
        args = '/'.join(args)
        args = '' if len(args) == 0 else '/' + args
        path.insert(0, application._namespace)
        path = '/'.join(path) + args"%6s: %s" % (verb, path))
        register.route(path, method=verb, name=method)(func)

def build_application(server):
    ''' Helper method to create and initiailze a bottle application

    :param server: The modbus server to pull instance data from
    :returns: An initialied bottle application
    '''"building web application")
    api = ModbusApiWebApp(server)
    register = Bottle()
    register_api_routes(api, register)
    register_web_routes(api, register)
    return register

# Start Methods
def RunModbusFrontend(server, port=8080):
    ''' Helper method to host bottle in twisted

    :param server: The modbus server to pull instance data from
    :param port: The port to host the service on
    from bottle import TwistedServer, run

    application = build_application(server)
    run(app=application, server=TwistedServer, port=port)

def RunDebugModbusFrontend(server, port=8080):
    ''' Helper method to start the bottle server

    :param server: The modbus server to pull instance data from
    :param port: The port to host the service on
    from bottle import run

    application = build_application(server)
    run(app=application, port=port)

if __name__ == '__main__':
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # an example server configuration
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    from pymodbus.server.async import ModbusServerFactory
    from pymodbus.constants import Defaults
    from pymodbus.device import ModbusDeviceIdentification
    from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSequentialDataBlock
    from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSlaveContext, ModbusServerContext
    from twisted.internet import reactor

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the identity
    # ------------------------------------------------------------

    identity = ModbusDeviceIdentification()
    identity.VendorName  = 'Pymodbus'
    identity.ProductCode = 'PM'
    identity.VendorUrl   = ''
    identity.ProductName = 'Pymodbus Server'
    identity.ModelName   = 'Pymodbus Server'
    identity.MajorMinorRevision = '1.0'

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the datastore
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    store = ModbusSlaveContext(
        di = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100),
        co = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100),
        hr = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100),
        ir = ModbusSequentialDataBlock(0, [17]*100))
    context = ModbusServerContext(slaves=store, single=True)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # initialize the factory 
    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    address = ("", Defaults.Port)
    factory = ModbusServerFactory(context, None, identity)

    # ------------------------------------------------------------
    # start the servers
    # ------------------------------------------------------------"Starting Modbus TCP Server on %s:%s" % address)
    reactor.listenTCP(address[1], factory, interface=address[0])