Modbus Scraper ExampleΒΆ

#!/usr/bin/env python3
This is a simple scraper that can be pointed at a
modbus device to pull down all its values and store
them as a collection of sequential data blocks.
import pickle
from optparse import OptionParser
from twisted.internet import serialport, reactor
from twisted.internet.protocol import ClientFactory
from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSequentialDataBlock
from pymodbus.datastore import ModbusSlaveContext
from pymodbus.factory import ClientDecoder
from pymodbus.client.asynchronous.twisted import ModbusClientProtocol

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Configure the client logging
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
import logging
log = logging.getLogger("pymodbus")

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# Choose the framer you want to use
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusBinaryFramer
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusAsciiFramer
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusRtuFramer
from pymodbus.transaction import ModbusSocketFramer

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# Define some constants
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
COUNT = 8    # The number of bits/registers to read at once
DELAY = 0    # The delay between subsequent reads
SLAVE = 0x01  # The slave unit id to read from

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# A simple scraper protocol
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# I tried to spread the load across the device, but feel free to modify the
# logic to suit your own purpose.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

class ScraperProtocol(ModbusClientProtocol):

    address = None

    def __init__(self, framer, endpoint):
        """ Initializes our custom protocol

        :param framer: The decoder to use to process messages
        :param endpoint: The endpoint to send results to
        ModbusClientProtocol.__init__(self, framer)
        self.endpoint = endpoint

    def connectionMade(self):
        """ Callback for when the client has connected
        to the remote server.
        super(ScraperProtocol, self).connectionMade()
        log.debug("Beginning the processing loop")
        self.address  = self.factory.starting
        reactor.callLater(DELAY, self.scrape_holding_registers)

    def connectionLost(self, reason):
        """ Callback for when the client disconnects from the

        :param reason: The reason for the disconnection
        reactor.callLater(DELAY, reactor.stop)

    def scrape_holding_registers(self):
        """ Defer fetching holding registers
        log.debug("reading holding registers: %d" % self.address)
        d = self.read_holding_registers(self.address, count=COUNT, unit=SLAVE)
        d.addCallbacks(self.scrape_discrete_inputs, self.error_handler)

    def scrape_discrete_inputs(self, response):
        """ Defer fetching holding registers
        log.debug("reading discrete inputs: %d" % self.address)
        self.endpoint.write((3, self.address, response.registers))
        d = self.read_discrete_inputs(self.address, count=COUNT, unit=SLAVE)
        d.addCallbacks(self.scrape_input_registers, self.error_handler)

    def scrape_input_registers(self, response):
        """ Defer fetching holding registers
        log.debug("reading discrete inputs: %d" % self.address)
        self.endpoint.write((2, self.address, response.bits))
        d = self.read_input_registers(self.address, count=COUNT, unit=SLAVE)
        d.addCallbacks(self.scrape_coils, self.error_handler)

    def scrape_coils(self, response):
        """ Write values of holding registers, defer fetching coils

        :param response: The response to process
        log.debug("reading coils: %d" % self.address)
        self.endpoint.write((4, self.address, response.registers))
        d = self.read_coils(self.address, count=COUNT, unit=SLAVE)
        d.addCallbacks(self.start_next_cycle, self.error_handler)

    def start_next_cycle(self, response):
        """ Write values of coils, trigger next cycle

        :param response: The response to process
        log.debug("starting next round: %d" % self.address)
        self.endpoint.write((1, self.address, response.bits))
        self.address += COUNT
        if self.address >= self.factory.ending:
            reactor.callLater(DELAY, self.scrape_holding_registers)

    def error_handler(self, failure):
        """ Handle any twisted errors

        :param failure: The error to handle

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# a factory for the example protocol
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# This is used to build client protocol's if you tie into twisted's method
# of processing. It basically produces client instances of the underlying
# protocol::
#     Factory(Protocol) -> ProtocolInstance
# It also persists data between client instances (think protocol singelton).
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
class ScraperFactory(ClientFactory):

    protocol = ScraperProtocol

    def __init__(self, framer, endpoint, query):
        """ Remember things necessary for building a protocols """
        self.framer   = framer
        self.endpoint = endpoint
        self.starting, self.ending = query

    def buildProtocol(self, _):
        """ Create a protocol and start the reading cycle """
        protocol = self.protocol(self.framer, self.endpoint)
        protocol.factory = self
        return protocol

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# a custom client for our device
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# Twisted provides a number of helper methods for creating and starting
# clients:
# - protocol.ClientCreator
# - reactor.connectTCP
# How you start your client is really up to you.
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
class SerialModbusClient(serialport.SerialPort):

    def __init__(self, factory, *args, **kwargs):
        """ Setup the client and start listening on the serial port

        :param factory: The factory to build clients with
        protocol = factory.buildProtocol(None)
        self.decoder = ClientDecoder()
        serialport.SerialPort.__init__(self, protocol, *args, **kwargs)

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# a custom endpoint for our results
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
# An example line reader, this can replace with:
# - the TCP protocol
# - a context recorder
# - a database or file recorder
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- # 
class LoggingContextReader(object):

    def __init__(self, output):
        """ Initialize a new instance of the logger

        :param output: The output file to save to
        self.output  = output
        self.context = ModbusSlaveContext(
            di = ModbusSequentialDataBlock.create(),
            co = ModbusSequentialDataBlock.create(),
            hr = ModbusSequentialDataBlock.create(),
            ir = ModbusSequentialDataBlock.create())

    def write(self, response):
        """ Handle the next modbus response

        :param response: The response to process
        """"Read Data: %s" % str(response))
        fx, address, values = response
        self.context.setValues(fx, address, values)

    def finalize(self):
        with open(self.output, "w") as handle:
            pickle.dump(self.context, handle)

# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Main start point
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
def get_options():
    """ A helper method to parse the command line options

    :returns: The options manager
    parser = OptionParser()

    parser.add_option("-o", "--output",
        help="The resulting output file for the scrape",
        dest="output", default="datastore.pickle")

    parser.add_option("-p", "--port",
        help="The port to connect to", type='int',
        dest="port", default=502)

    parser.add_option("-s", "--server",
        help="The server to scrape",
        dest="host", default="")

    parser.add_option("-r", "--range",
        help="The address range to scan",
        dest="query", default="0:1000")

    parser.add_option("-d", "--debug",
        help="Enable debug tracing",
        action="store_true", dest="debug", default=False)

    (opt, arg) = parser.parse_args()
    return opt

def main():    
    """ The main runner function """
    options = get_options()

    if options.debug:
        except Exception as ex:
            print("Logging is not supported on this system")

    # split the query into a starting and ending range
    query = [int(p) for p in options.query.split(':')]

        log.debug("Initializing the client")
        framer  = ModbusSocketFramer(ClientDecoder())
        reader  = LoggingContextReader(options.output)
        factory = ScraperFactory(framer, reader, query)

        # how to connect based on TCP vs Serial clients
        if isinstance(framer, ModbusSocketFramer):
            reactor.connectTCP(, options.port, factory)
            SerialModbusClient(factory, options.port, reactor)

        log.debug("Starting the client")
        log.debug("Finished scraping the client")
    except Exception as ex:

# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #
# Main jumper
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------- #

if __name__ == "__main__":